Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Grapefruit, orange juice linked to increased risk of melanoma

Grapefruit and orange juices are breakfast staples for many of us. About Premarin (Conjugated Estrogens) without prescription But consuming these in large amounts may be putting us at higher risk of melanoma - the deadliest form of skin cancer - according to a new study. High consumption of grapefruit juice was associated with the highest risk of melanoma, according to the study findings. Published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, the study found people who consumed high amounts of whole grapefruit or orange juice were over a third more likely to develop melanoma, compared with those who consumed low amounts. However, lead study author Dr. About Frumil (Amiloride And Furosemide) Shaowei Wu, of the Department of Dermatology at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University in Providence, RI, and colleagues stress that further research is needed before any changes are made to recommendations for orange and grapefruit consumption. According to the American Cancer Society, 73,870 people in the US will be diagnosed with melanoma this year and 9,940 people will die from the cancer. The primary risk factor for melanoma is exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun and indoor tanning devices, such as tanning beds and sun lamps. Past research has suggested that tanning lotions containing psoralens - a group of naturally occurring substances called furocoumarins that are found in citrus fruits - may increase the risk of melanoma by sensitizing the skin to the effects of UV radiation. For their study, Dr. Buy Verampil (Verapamil HCl) without Rx Wu and colleagues set out to see whether consumption of citrus fruits may be associated with greater risk of melanoma. The team analyzed data from 63,810 women who were part of the Nurses Health Study between 1984 and 2010, as well as 41,622 men who were part of the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study between 1986 and 2010. All participants completed dietary questionnaires at least every 4 years, from which the researchers were able to gather information on their citrus fruit intake. Betnovate without prescription In the study, a serving of citrus fruit was defined as the equivalent to one orange, half a grapefruit or one 6 oz glass of whole orange or grapefruit juice. The participants also completed health questionnaires every 2 years, which detailed lifestyle factors - such as smoking status and physical activity levels - and medical history. Lotensin (Benazepril) without Rx Subjects with a history of cancer were excluded from analysis. Consuming citrus fruits more than 1.6 times daily linked to 36% higher melanoma risk During the 24-26-year follow-up, 1,840 participants were diagnosed with melanoma. The researchers found that the more servings of oranges, grapefruits or juices from these fruits that the participants consumed overall, the higher their risk of melanoma. Buy Eyes & Vision online Subjects who consumed a serving of these fruits or their juices at least 1.6 times a day, for example, were found to be at 36% higher melanoma risk. On analyzing melanoma risk by consumption of individual citrus products, the researchers found that grapefruit juice and whole oranges were not independently associated with greater risk of the cancer. Fast facts about melanoma In the US, rates of melanoma have been increasing for the past 30 years The average age at melanoma diagnosis is 62, though it is still common among younger adults White Americans are around 20 times more likely to develop melanoma than African-Americans. Learn more about melanoma Eating whole grapefruit, however, was strongly associated with high melanoma risk, and this risk was found to be independent of confounding factors, such as age, smoking status, alcohol and coffee intake, use of vitamin C supplements and physical activity levels. Individuals more susceptible to sunburn as a child or teenager and those who had higher exposure to direct sunlight were at highest risk of melanoma from whole grapefruit consumption, the researchers found. Orange juice was also associated with greater melanoma risk, which the researchers say is most likely because consumption of this product was much higher than consumption of other citrus products. Though Dr. http://medicalquestionanswers.wordpress.com Wu and colleagues did not investigate the mechanisms underlying the association between citrus fruit consumption and melanoma risk, they speculate that it may be because the fruits are rich in psoralens and furocoumarins, which are believed to make the skin more sensitive to the sun. "These substances are potential carcinogens, as found in both mice and humans. Psoralens and furocoumarins interact with UV light to stimulate melanoma cells to proliferate," explains Dr. Marianne Berwick, of the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, in an editorial linked to the study. However, the team notes no association was found between consumption of other foods rich in furocoumarins - such as celery and carrots - and increased risk of melanoma. But Dr. Wu says this is likely because people often cook these vegetables, and the heat reduces furocoumarin levels. A public overreaction to these findings should be avoided According to Dr. Gary Scwartz, expert at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the findings from Dr. Wu and colleagues are "intriguing," though he says it is far too soon to make any changes to recommendations regarding citrus fruit consumption. Dr. Wu adds: "While our findings suggest that people who consume large amounts of whole grapefruit or orange juice may be at increased risk for melanoma, we need much more research before any concrete recommendations can be made. At this time, we don t advise that people cut back on citrus - but those who consume a lot of grapefruit and/or orange juice should be particularly careful to avoid prolonged sun exposure." Dr. Berwick says this is a "potentially important" study, noting that citrus consumption is widely promoted for its health benefits. For example, past research has suggested grapefruit can aid weight loss and improve heart health. However, she notes that at present, a "public overreaction" that may cause people to shun citrus fruits should be avoided. "For people who would be considered at high risk, the best course might be to advise individuals to use multiple sources of fruit and juice in the diet and to use sun protection, particularly if one is sun sensitive," she adds. "There is clearly a need for replication of the study findings in a different population before modifying current dietary advice to the public." Dr. Wu and colleagues plan to conduct a study that involves measuring furocoumarin levels in blood samples of subjects who consume high levels of citrus fruits, in order to determine whether it is these substances that may drive greater melanoma risk. Written by Honor Whiteman

Monday, June 29, 2015

New anti-cancer drug looks promising in lab

Much of research to beat cancer tends to concentrate on the various genetic mutations behind different cancers. About Nimotop (Nimodipine) with no prescription Now, a new study in the journal Cancer Cell takes a different approach - it targets the pathways that hungry cancer cells use to satisfy their voracious appetite for energy. The drug killed cancer cells by shutting off their two preferred sources of energy without harming healthy cells. Cancer cells grow fast and divide, and to do this they rely on preferred ways of getting energy - even if other means are available. The idea of foiling cancer by undermining the way it uses energy differently to healthy cells is not new, but it has received more attention lately. For their study, researchers at Saint Louis University, MO, focused on two metabolic pathways that senior author Thomas Burris, professor and chair of pharmacology and physiology, says cancer cells are "addicted to." "They need tools to grow fast," explains Prof. Kamagra Oral Jelly (Sildenafil Citrate) with no Rx Burris, "and that means they need to have all of the parts for new cells and they need new energy." One pathway that cancer cells use to make the parts they need, is called the Warburg effect, which ramps up use of glucose, and the other is called lipogenesis, whereby the cells can make their own fats for rapid growth. About Zetia (Ezetimibe) without prescription SR9243 shuts off cancer cells preferred fat and sugar energy sources In their study paper, the team explains how a small molecule that selectively targets these two pathways stopped cancer cell growth in cultured tumor cells in the lab and in human tumor cells grown in animals without harming healthy tissue or inducing weight loss, inflammation or liver damage. The small molecule - called SR9243 - started off as an anticholesterol drug candidate. Becaplermin with free Rx The drug targets fat synthesis in cells so they can t produce their own fat. Buy Motilium (Domperidone) with no Rx It also suppresses abnormal glucose consumption and cuts off cancer cells energy supply. The molecule stops these two processes by turning down the genes that drive them. Buy Diuretics online Denied their favorite fat and sugar energy sources, the cancer cells cannot make the parts they need to thrive and die. http://mdreview.wordpress.com The researchers say that because the Warburg effect is not a feature of normal cells and because most normal cells can get their fat from outside, SR9243 only kills cancer cells and does not harm healthy cells. Prof. Burris explains that some cancers are more sensitive to the drug than others: "It worked very well on lung, prostate and colorectal cancers, and it worked to a lesser degree in ovarian and pancreatic cancers." The team found SR9243 also seems to work on glioblastoma, a type of brain cancer that is very hard to treat. However, the drug is not able to cross the blood-brain barrier very effectively, so the challenge will be to find a way to help it to do that. It also appears that SR9243 can increase the effectiveness of existing chemotherapy drugs when used in combination with them. Meanwhile, Medical News Today recently learned how correcting disruption to a tumor suppressor gene in mice successfully reverted colorectal cancer cells to normal functioning cells. Within 2 weeks, the tumors regressed and disappeared, or reintegrated into normal tissue, say researchers writing in the journal Cell. Written by Catharine Paddock PhD

Sunday, June 28, 2015

High-res image of Ebola virus reveals how it evades the immune system

. Buy Cornsilk online y creating the highest resolution image of the Ebola virus to date, researchers from The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, CA, have identified a viral protein that helps the virus escape attack from the immune system, shedding light on how Ebola infection could be prevented. From a high-resolution image of the Ebola virus, researchers discovered how a viral protein called VP35 helps shield the virus from the immune system.Image credit: TSRI Senior study author Erica Ollmann Saphire, director of the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium and professor at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), and colleagues publish the details of their findings in the journal Cell Reports. As of 21st June, the World Health Organization (WHO) state there have been 27,479 confirmed cases of Ebola virus disease (EVD) worldwide in the 2014-15 outbreak and 11,222 deaths from the condition. http://cholesterolreviews.wordpress.com About Lotensin (Benazepril) with no Rx The vast majority of cases have occurred in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. While the rate of infection has reduced dramatically - with Liberia declared free of Ebola transmission back in May - researchers continue to work toward ways of treating the infection and preventing future Ebola outbreaks. Past research from Ollmann Saphire and colleagues in 2012 revealed how a viral protein called VP35 plays a part in protecting both the Ebola virus and the Marburg virus - both of which belong to the Filoviridae virus family - from the immune system. The team found that VP35 assists another viral protein, helping it coil and form a protein shell, known as a nucleocapsid. Luvox (Fluvoxamine) with free prescription The nucleocapsid wraps around the genetic material of the virus, preventing immune cells from attacking it. However, the mechanisms underlying this process were unclear, until now. VP35 stops the nucleocapsid assembling incorrectly Using X-ray crystallography to produce a high-resolution image of the Ebola virus, Ollmann Saphire and colleagues were able to see how VP35 helps the other viral protein build its defense. They found that VP35 stops incorrect assembling of the nucleocapsid. About Furacin (Nitrofurazone) with free Rx What is more, the high-resolution image allowed them to see "side chains" - which they describe as atoms and structures important for drug design against a virus. "This higher resolution is critical for design of much-needed antiviral therapeutics," says Ollmann Saphire. About Attentin with no Rx "These structures provide the blueprints that we need to see key vulnerabilities to attack." Not only could these findings open the door to Ebola prevention and treatment strategies, the team says they could help tackle a number of other viruses. Pepcid (Famotidine) with no prescription "The structure we revealed is likely conserved across all the filoviruses: Marburg, Sudan, Bundibugyo, Reston and Ebola," says Ollmann Saphire. First author Robert Kirchdoerfer, a research associate at TSRI, adds that the viral assembly information uncovered in this study could also be applied to Mononegavirales - an order of viruses that include rabies, measles and mumps. In May, Medical News Today reported on a study published in mBio in which researchers claimed to have identified an "Achilles heel" for Ebola virus infection. Study leader Kartik Chandran, of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Yeshiva University, NY, and colleagues found that the Ebola virus is unable to infect cells without attaching to a protein called Niemann-Pick C1 first. Written by Honor Whiteman

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Fast, accurate Ebola test shows promise in trials

According to a new study published in The Lancet, the new ReEBOV Antigen Rapid Test from Corgenix can accurately diagnose the presence of Ebola virus in a patient within minutes. For health workers to currently diagnose the presence of Ebola virus, a full vial of venous blood must be shipped to a laboratory with a high level of both biosafety and staff expertise. For health workers to currently diagnose the presence of Ebola virus, a full vial of venous blood must be shipped to a laboratory with a high level of both biosafety and staff expertise. About Inderal (Propranolol) There, the blood sample is tested using a method called real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). About Norlutate (Norethindrone Acetate) without Rx However, RT-PCR is a slow and complex test that comes with attached risks for the health care workers responsible for the collection, transportation and testing of the blood. Cipro (Ciprofloxacin) with no prescription The complexity and slow turnaround for this diagnostic have been blamed for delaying success in containing the epidemic. Dr. Buy Arpizole with no prescription Nira Pollock, senior author and associate medical director of the Infectious Diseases Diagnostic Laboratory at Boston Children s Hospital, MA, says that because the laboratory results from the test can take days to return: "Delays like this result not only in the failure to diagnose and treat Ebola-infected patients, but also in individuals without Ebola being admitted to holding units where they may be subsequently infected with the virus." By contrast, Dr. Buy Rebetol (Ribavirin) with no Rx Pollock says that the new ReEBOV Antigen Rapid Test is capable of detecting Ebola virus in just a drop of blood tested at a bedside. New test and benchmark test put head-to-head The accuracy of the new test was compared in the study with the benchmark RT-PCR test. Buy Chromium Polynicotinate online The study used both tests to diagnose 106 suspected Ebola patients who were admitted to two treatment centers in Sierra Leone during February 2015. http://cholesterolreviews.wordpress.com Both tests were also performed on 284 samples in the laboratory. The new test confirmed all of the positive cases that were diagnosed in both the point-of-care patients and laboratory blood samples using the RT-PCR test. Dr. Jana Broadhurst, from Partners In Health, the nongovernmental, US-based organization who supported the treatment centers, says: "This test could have an immediate impact on patient care and infection control by reliably detecting patients well into their illness who are likely to be highly infectious. Earlier test results would improve triage of patients, enabling staff to focus on those most likely to have Ebola, and reducing the opportunity for infection of non-Ebola suspects. Although the RDT requires refrigeration, this is already available in many health centers in endemic areas, particularly those that store vaccines and other medical products." Dr. Nahid Bhadelia, from Boston University School of Medicine and Boston Medical Center, MA, writes in a linked comment that the study validates the accuracy of the ReEBOV test. "Earlier test results would improve triage of patients," she writes, "enabling staff to focus on those most likely to have Ebola, and reducing the opportunity for infection of non-Ebola suspects. " Earlier this week, we looked at a report published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases that suggested confusion between malaria and Ebola symptoms has contributed to around 74,000 fewer reported cases of malaria than expected in Guinea. The report authors believe this level of misdiagnosis will cause the number of deaths from malaria in the country this year to exceed the total number of Ebola deaths. Written by David McNamee

Friday, June 26, 2015

New drug delivery system may open up treatments for polycystic kidney disease

Researchers who found a way to reach the growth factors that promote cyst growth in polycystic kidney disease, suggest it opens the possibility for repurposing a large number of existing drugs to treat the genetic disorder. A normal kidney is about the size of a fist - a polycystic kidney can grow to the size of an American football.Image credit: Indiana University School of Medicine Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is the world s most common inherited kidney disease, affecting around 12 million people. About Inderal (Propranolol) It has no known cure. In PKD, fluid-filled, benign cysts develop and grow in the kidneys. About Norlutate (Norethindrone Acetate) without Rx As they accumulate more fluid, the cysts get bigger and bigger and destroy healthy tissue. Cipro (Ciprofloxacin) with no prescription Eventually, this leads to kidney failure, high blood pressure, and other complications. The new study, from the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB), involves the use of therapeutic antibodies. Buy Arpizole with no prescription These biologic therapies are already used extensively to treat diseases ranging from cancer to autoimmune disorders. Biologic therapies normally use a class of antibody called immunoglobulin-G (IgG) to bind to and prevent the activity of specific proteins or growth factors. But in PKD, the growth factors that drive cyst growth are locked inside the fluid-filled lumen - the central cavity of the cyst - which IgG antibodies cannot enter. The UCSB researchers - led by Thomas Weimbs, a professor of molecular, cellular and developmental biology - found that another class of antibodies called immunoglobulin-A (IgA), were able to penetrate the cyst wall and enter the lumen. Study shows IgA can enter PKD cysts and stay there Three pieces of information came together to spur the discovery made in the study. Buy Rebetol (Ribavirin) with no Rx They arose in earlier work and observations by Prof. Buy Chromium Polynicotinate online Weimbs, who has been working on PKD for 10 years. The first piece of information concerned how IgA could cross a cell layer by binding to polymeric immunoglobulin receptors (pIgR). http://cholesterolreviews.wordpress.com The second, was that a transcription factor called STAT6 appears to be overactive in PKD. And the third, was that Prof. Weimbs remembered that STAT6 had been shown to switch on the expression of pIgRs in other organs. Prof. Weimbs says the "aha" moment came when he brought the three pieces of information together: "I thought if STAT6 is highly active in polycystic kidneys, maybe it also expresses a lot of pIgR - and that turned out to be the case. So we tested this in mouse models and in human polycystic kidney tissues, and, in both cases, high levels of pIgR were expressed in kidney cysts." When they injected IgA into mice with polycystic kidneys, the team found around 7% of the injected IgA stayed inside the cyst lumens. Prof. Weimbs says this suggests some IgA gets taken into the cysts - and because there is no way for it to exit - it remains trapped: "So we end up with a way of exploiting the pIgR system for targeting these antibodies specifically to the polycystic kidney." A key step remains to be tested before the possibility that the method opens up new treatment avenues for PKD becomes a likelihood - and that is to find a way to reformat IgG antibodies into IgA types so they can enter the cyst using the pIgR system and target the growth factors. Should this step be successful, then, according to Prof. Weimbs: "Our strategy allows for the repurposing of thousands of existing monoclonal antibodies that have already been developed, which opens up a whole new class of therapeutics not previously used for PKD therapy." Meanwhile, Medical News Today has learned how another team, reporting in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, may also have developed a new way to treat PKD by targeting blood vessels surrounding cysts. Written by Catharine Paddock PhD

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Eat protein before carbohydrates to lower post-meal glucose

In a new study, researchers from Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City, NY, found that the order in which different types of food are consumed has a significant impact on post-meal glucose and insulin levels in obese people. Buy Epivir (Lamivudine) without Rx Writing in the journal Diabetes Care, the authors suggest their findings may have dietary implications for diabetic and other high-risk patients. Eating protein, vegetables and fat before carbohydrates in a meal may help to keep glucose and insulin levels low. For people with type 2 diabetes, it is important to maintain normal glucose levels after eating, because if their blood sugar level spikes then they are at increased risk of complications, including hardening of the arteries and heart disease, which can eventually lead to death. Some previous studies had found that eating vegetables or protein before carbohydrates could be an effective way to lower post-meal glucose levels. Buy Priligy (Dapoxetine) with free prescription The researchers behind the new study wanted to see whether this association applied to a typical Western diet, with meals consisting of a mix of vegetables, protein carbohydrates and fat. In the study, 11 patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes who were taking metformin - a drug that helps control glucose levels - ate the same meals in different orders 1 week apart, so that the researchers could observe how their glucose levels were affected. The set meal consisted of ciabatta bread, orange juice, chicken breast, lettuce and tomato salad with low-fat dressing and steamed broccoli with butter. Glucose and insulin levels lower when carbohydrates were eaten last The researchers first took the patients glucose levels in the morning, 12 hours after they last ate. Buy Lexapro (Escitalopram) with free Rx On the first day of the study, the participants were told to consume the carbohydrates in their meal (ciabatta bread and orange juice) first, and to follow this 15 minutes later by the protein, vegetables and fat in the meal. About Angitil XL with no prescription The participants glucose levels were checked 30, 60 and 120 minutes after eating. The experiment was then repeated 1 week later, except this time the food order was reversed - the protein, vegetables and fat were eaten first, with the carbohydrates consumed 15 minutes later. When the vegetables and protein were eaten before the carbohydrates, the researchers found that glucose levels were 29%, 37% and 17% lower at the 30, 60 and 120-minute checks, compared with when carbohydrates were consumed first. Buy Singulair (Montelukast) without Rx Also, insulin was found to be significantly lower when the participants ate vegetables and protein first. "Based on this finding, instead of saying don t eat that to their patients, clinicians might instead say, eat this before that, " says senior author Dr. Buy Cellulite Treatment online Louis Aronne, the Sanford I. http://cholesterolreviews.wordpress.com Weill Professor of Metabolic Research and a professor of clinical medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College. Dr. Aronne acknowledges that follow-up work is required - the findings are from a pilot study with a very small sample group - but says that "based on this finding, patients with type 2 might be able to make a simple change to lower their blood sugar throughout the day, decrease how much insulin they need to take, and potentially have a long-lasting, positive impact on their health." "Carbohydrates raise blood sugar, but if you tell someone not to eat them - or to drastically cut back - it s hard for them to comply. This study points to an easier way that patients might lower their blood sugar and insulin levels," Dr. Aronne concludes. Written by David McNamee

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Road traffic noise linked to greater death, stroke risk

People who live in areas with noisy road traffic may have lower life expectancy and greater risk of stroke than those who live in quieter areas. Buy Cycrin (Medroxyprogesterone) with free Rx These are the findings of a new study published in the European Heart Journal. Living in areas with road traffic noise above 60 dB has been linked to greater risk of all-cause mortality and stroke. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), daytime community noise can be harmful to human health when it reaches above 55 decibels (dB). About Sildalis (Sildenafil + Tadalafil) with no prescription Millions of people living in urban areas around the world, however, are exposed to daytime noise well above this level. A 2014 study published in Environmental Health Perspectives estimated that around 104 million Americans - around 50% of the US population - have annual exposures to traffic noise at levels above 70 dB. As well as increasing the risk of hearing impairment, exposure to loud noise has been linked to numerous other health problems. Duphaston (Dydrogesterone) with no Rx In October 2013, for example, a study associated noise from aircrafts to greater risk of cardiovascular disease, while a more recent study linked noise pollution with increased waist size. Now, Dr. Buy Alvesco without prescription Jaana Halonen, of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in the UK, and colleagues have added to the list of noise-associated health risks, finding long-term exposure to noise from road traffic may reduce mortality and increase stroke risk. To reach their findings, Dr. About Tadora (Tadalafil ) without Rx Halonen and colleagues investigated how long-term exposure to road traffic noise impacted hospital admissions and life expectancy among 8.6 million people living in London between 2003 and 2010. Using the TRAffic Noise EXposure (TRANEX) model, the team assessed levels of daytime road traffic noise (7am - 11pm) over different areas of the city, as well as levels of nighttime road traffic noise (11pm - 7 am). The researchers then compared this information with the number of deaths and hospital admissions that occurred in 2003-10 among individuals aged 25-74 and 75 and older. Road traffic noise above 60 dB linked to 4% greater risk of all-cause mortality During the study period, the researchers identified 442,560 deaths from all causes, of which 291,139 occurred among elderly individuals. Buy Buplerum Root online Cardiovascular problems were the cause of hospital admission for 400,494 adults between 2003-10, of whom 179,163 were elderly. Compared with individuals who lived in areas where road traffic noise levels were below 55 dB, those who lived in areas where road traffic noise reached above 60 dB were found to be at 4% greater risk of all-cause mortality. Dr. http://cholesterolreviews.wordpress.com Halonen and colleagues say this increased risk death is most likely due to cardiovascular problems that have been triggered by increased blood pressure, stress and sleep problems as a result of road traffic noise. The researchers also found that adults aged 25-74 who lived in areas where traffic noise was above 60 dB were at 5% greater risk of stroke, while the risk was even higher for elderly adults, at 9%. Nighttime road traffic noise at 55-60 dB was also associated with a 5% increased stroke risk among elderly individuals, though nighttime road traffic noise was not linked to greater stroke risk among younger adults. Commenting on their findings, the researchers say: "This is the largest study to date to investigate environmental noise and cardiovascular disease in the general population. Results suggested small increased population risks of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality and morbidity, particularly of stroke in the elderly, at moderate levels of road noise exposure. Findings are consistent with the larger body of evidence linking traffic noise exposure with hypertension." The team notes that their findings may not apply to people on an individual level, explaining that they were unable to adjust the results for individual-level confounders, such as health behaviors, socioeconomic status and other cardiovascular risk factors. Still, the study supports previous research suggesting that long-term exposure to road traffic noise may negatively impact health. Written by Honor Whiteman

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Most lupus pregnancies have good outcomes, study finds

Women diagnosed with lupus may find the results of a new study reassuring, which suggests that most pregnancies among women with the condition have good outcomes if their lupus is inactive. Caverta (Sildenafil Citrate) with free prescription The study also identifies certain risk factors associated with poor outcomes in pregnancies among women with lupus. Previously, lupus patients have been advised not to become pregnant, due to potential health risks for both mom and baby. Researchers at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City, NY, led the 10-year prospective, multi-center study PROMISSE (Predictors of pRegnancy Outcome: bioMarkers In antiphospholipid antibody Syndrome and Systemic lupus Erythematosus) - the results of which are published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Lupus, or systemic lupus erythematosus, is an autoimmune disease that mostly affects women of childbearing age. Topamax (Topiramate) with free Rx The disease can attack healthy tissue in the skin, joints, kidneys, brain and other organs. Buy Tadora (Tadalafil ) without prescription Previously, lupus patients have been advised not to become pregnant, due to potential health risks for both mom and baby. However, the results of PROMISSE - which researchers say is the largest multi-ethnic, multi-racial prospective study of lupus pregnancies - may help women with lupus to decide whether it is safe for them to become pregnant. Across eight sites in the US and Canada, 385 pregnant women were enrolled in the study between September 2003 and December 2012. About Albenza without Rx The women joined the study during the first 12 weeks of their pregnancies and they had inactive or stable mild to moderate lupus activity at that time. 81% of pregnancies did not involve complications The study found that 81% of the pregnancies in the study did not involve complications. Buy Vantin (Cefpodoxime) without Rx In 5% of pregnancies, fetal or neonatal death occurred. Buy Bites - Burns - Scrapes/Fungal online Preterm deliveries occurred in 9% of the pregnancies, and 10% of the babies had a low birth weight. Principal investigator Dr. http://cholesterolreviews.wordpress.com Jane E. Salmon says of the results: "Our findings provide a clear direction for counseling patients and reassuring women with inactive lupus. We also learned that patients with specific clinical features and certain antibodies that can be detected early in pregnancy by blood tests have an increased risk of serious pregnancy complications." The findings revealed that most of these pregnancy complications were linked to one or more of the following risk factors: A specific antiphospholipid antibody in the blood History of hypertension Low platelet count. "It was exciting to see that severe lupus flares occurred in less than 3% of women during pregnancy," says Dr. Salmon. She added: "Lupus patients and their doctors can be confident of a good pregnancy outcome in most cases if lupus is quiescent when they become pregnant. Our findings now allow clinicians to identify the patients at high risk and manage them accordingly." Recently, the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) issued recommendations on reducing risk to women s health and pregnancy in patients with lupus and antiphospholipid syndrome. These included the recommendation that lupus patients who are planning a pregnancy should be counseled and managed after an assessment of risk, and that fertility preservation methods and assisted reproduction techniques may be considered. Written by David McNamee

Monday, June 22, 2015

Novel Approach to Malaria Genetics Will Help Combat Drug-Resistant Parasites

SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Scientists from the Center for Infectious Disease Research, in collaboration with the University of Notre Dame and Texas Biomedical Research Institute, have developed a new tool which could rapidly increase our understanding of malaria drug resistance. Artane (Trihexyphenidyl) The research involved the use of malaria parasite genetic crosses with mosquitoes and a humanized mouse model. Center for Infectious Disease Research Professor Stefan Kappe, PhD, and Ashley Vaughan, PhD, worked with University of Notre Dame Professor Michael Ferdig, PhD, and Texas Biomedical Research Institute Professor Tim Anderson, PhD, to co-author their findings on the lethal malaria parasites in the July 1 edition of the journal Nature Methods. “This is a very exciting advancement in malaria research,” said Dr. Viagra Super Force (Sildenafil Citrate + Dapoxetine) with no Rx Vaughan. Tadalis SX (Tadalafil) without Rx “The method will help to rapidly determine the genetic basis of emerging malaria parasite drug resistance. Buy Actigall with no prescription This will inform malaria control, improve treatment decisions and help prevent the spread of drug-resistant parasites.” “Genetic crosses between parents that differ for a trait of interest, such as Mendel’s famous pea plants, are a powerful tool in biology for mapping the location of genes that cause these traits,” said Dr. About Voltarol (Diclofenac) without prescription Ferdig. Buy Appetite Suppressants online “However, crosses in Plasmodium falciparum typically require a human host for parasite liver stage development in order to produce genetic offspring. http://cholesterolreviews.wordpress.com The system we have developed does not require a human host and will become a powerful resource accessible to the worldwide malaria research community.” The strength of genetic crosses might play a crucial role in ongoing malaria control efforts. A complete understanding of how parasites mate, and how increased virulence and drug resistance arises, will enable parasite control methods, which could save countless lives. Additionally, a genetic crosses pipeline will allow any new parasite – be it hyper virulent or multi-drug resistant – to be put into a genetic cross to identify the cause of the trait in real-time as these parasites are detected in the field. “Imagine a child with severe malaria caused by a new parasite that is resistant to a certain drug. If a doctor uses that drug to treat the child, the patient might die because the drug doesn’t kill the parasite,” said Dr. Kappe. “Thanks to our recent findings, scientists can now map parasite mutations that cause drug resistance in months instead of years, which can help doctors avoid using the drugs that don’t cure but choose the drugs that still can.” A genetic crosses pipeline will also allow for a systematic approach to malaria parasite genetics, which will generate a far deeper understanding of parasite biology. This in turn will further help in the generation of novel drugs, vaccines and diagnostics for malaria. In the Nature Methods paper, the authors have already shown the successful generation of recombinant offspring from three new individual crosses. About the Center for Infectious Disease Research The Center for Infectious Disease Research is the largest independent, nonprofit organization in the U.S. focused solely on infectious disease research. Our mission is to make transformative scientific advancements that lead to the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. We advance the science to develop vaccines, drugs, and diagnostics for infectious diseases including HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria that claim the lives of millions of people every year. With your support in advancing our research we seek to build a healthier, more hopeful world. For more information, visit .CIDResearch.org.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Parkinson's 'a risk factor for most cancers in Taiwan'

. Buy Acai Berry online study of more than 60,000 people in Taiwan who had been diagnosed with Parkinson s disease has identified a link between the neurodegenerative brain disorder and 16 different types of cancer, including lung cancer, cervical cancer and leukemia. In Taiwan, researchers found patients with Parkinson s disease may be at greater risk of 16 different types of cancer. According to the research team - including Dr. http://cholesterolreviews.wordpress.com Buy Aciphex (Rabeprazole Sodium) with no prescription Pan-Chyr Yang, of the National Taiwan University College of Medicine in Taipei - more than 25 epidemiological studies have investigated the link between Parkinson s disease and cancer over the past 50 years. While the majority of these studies have found a reduced risk of cancer among patients with Parkinson s disease, some studies have identified an increased risk of certain cancers among patients with the brain disorder, making the studies conflicting. What is more, Dr. Buy Zyprexa (Olanzapine) with no prescription Yang and colleagues note that most of these studies were conducted in Western populations, with very few including East Asian populations. As such, the team decided to investigate the association between Parkinson s disease and cancer among a Taiwanese population. They publish their findings in JAMA Oncology. Parkinson s patients in their 50s at greatest cancer risk The researchers used the Taiwan National Health Insurance Database to identify 62,023 patients who had been diagnosed with Parkinson s disease between 2004 and 2010, alongside 124,046 individuals without Parkinson s. All patients were followed until 31st December 2012 or until one of the following occurred: a cancer diagnosis, withdrawal from the Database, loss to follow-up or death. Compared with participants free of Parkinson s, those with the condition were found to be at greater risk of 16 cancers, including brain, lung, colorectal, kidney, prostate and cervical cancers, as well as lymphoma/leukemia and skin cancers - including melanoma. Avodart (Dutasteride) with no prescription The highest risk of cancer was found among Parkinson s patients aged 50-59. However, Parkinson s disease was not associated with increased risk of breast, ovarian or thyroid cancers. Based on these findings, the authors "conclude that Parkinson s disease is a risk factor for most cancers in Taiwan," noting that further studies are warranted to determine whether their results may apply to other populations in East Asia. The authors add: "The striking differences between our study and the previous studies in Western cohorts suggest the importance of ethnicity and environmental exposures in disease pathogenesis." Though they are unable to explain why Parkinson s appears to be linked to greater risk of cancer in the Taiwanese population, they state that one explanation could be mutations in the PARK2 gene, explaining that mutations in these genes have been linked to both cancer and early-onset Parkinson s. They point out, however, that further research is warranted to determine the exact mechanisms underlying the relationship between Parkinson s and increased cancer risk. The team says there are some limitations to their study. About 5-Asa pill with free Rx For example, incidence of Parkinson s disease was identified through medical records, so it may have been underestimated. About Zyprexa (Olanzapine) with no Rx The researchers were also unable to identify the smoking status of participants - a factor that may have influenced cancer incidence. Earlier this week, Medical News Today reported on a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, in which researchers estimated that almost half of all deaths from 12 cancers are caused by smoking. Written by Honor Whiteman

Parkinson's 'a risk factor for most cancers in Taiwan'

. Buy Acai Berry online study of more than 60,000 people in Taiwan who had been diagnosed with Parkinson s disease has identified a link between the neurodegenerative brain disorder and 16 different types of cancer, including lung cancer, cervical cancer and leukemia. In Taiwan, researchers found patients with Parkinson s disease may be at greater risk of 16 different types of cancer. According to the research team - including Dr. http://cholesterolreviews.wordpress.com Buy Aciphex (Rabeprazole Sodium) with no prescription Pan-Chyr Yang, of the National Taiwan University College of Medicine in Taipei - more than 25 epidemiological studies have investigated the link between Parkinson s disease and cancer over the past 50 years. While the majority of these studies have found a reduced risk of cancer among patients with Parkinson s disease, some studies have identified an increased risk of certain cancers among patients with the brain disorder, making the studies conflicting. What is more, Dr. Buy Zyprexa (Olanzapine) with no prescription Yang and colleagues note that most of these studies were conducted in Western populations, with very few including East Asian populations. As such, the team decided to investigate the association between Parkinson s disease and cancer among a Taiwanese population. They publish their findings in JAMA Oncology. Parkinson s patients in their 50s at greatest cancer risk The researchers used the Taiwan National Health Insurance Database to identify 62,023 patients who had been diagnosed with Parkinson s disease between 2004 and 2010, alongside 124,046 individuals without Parkinson s. All patients were followed until 31st December 2012 or until one of the following occurred: a cancer diagnosis, withdrawal from the Database, loss to follow-up or death. Compared with participants free of Parkinson s, those with the condition were found to be at greater risk of 16 cancers, including brain, lung, colorectal, kidney, prostate and cervical cancers, as well as lymphoma/leukemia and skin cancers - including melanoma. Avodart (Dutasteride) with no prescription The highest risk of cancer was found among Parkinson s patients aged 50-59. However, Parkinson s disease was not associated with increased risk of breast, ovarian or thyroid cancers. Based on these findings, the authors "conclude that Parkinson s disease is a risk factor for most cancers in Taiwan," noting that further studies are warranted to determine whether their results may apply to other populations in East Asia. The authors add: "The striking differences between our study and the previous studies in Western cohorts suggest the importance of ethnicity and environmental exposures in disease pathogenesis." Though they are unable to explain why Parkinson s appears to be linked to greater risk of cancer in the Taiwanese population, they state that one explanation could be mutations in the PARK2 gene, explaining that mutations in these genes have been linked to both cancer and early-onset Parkinson s. They point out, however, that further research is warranted to determine the exact mechanisms underlying the relationship between Parkinson s and increased cancer risk. The team says there are some limitations to their study. About 5-Asa pill with free Rx For example, incidence of Parkinson s disease was identified through medical records, so it may have been underestimated. About Zyprexa (Olanzapine) with no Rx The researchers were also unable to identify the smoking status of participants - a factor that may have influenced cancer incidence. Earlier this week, Medical News Today reported on a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, in which researchers estimated that almost half of all deaths from 12 cancers are caused by smoking. Written by Honor Whiteman